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January 2018 - Trek Travel

Meet Our Team: Ilona Kohlerova

Meet Trip designer Ilona. Originally from the Czech Republic, but now a citizen of the world and the brains behind many of our Pro Race trips. What’s her inspiration you may ask? Our guests.

Tell us a little about your previous life before Trek Travel?

I come from the Czech Republic. I studied in Prague but kept on moving to different places and traveling. I lived a couple of years in the U.S., then I moved to the south of Spain and ended up in Barcelona, which I loved. I worked at all kinds of jobs—waiting tables in Wisconsin, bartending in Spain, guiding in Prague and working in a social service specialty with the homeless.

What inspired you to become a Guide and Trip Designer?
Honestly I had no idea that such a job existed. I was working in the office in Barcelona and my colleague and friend, Ingrid, was telling me about the best job she ever had. I checked the Trek Travel website and applied for a job right away. Five years later I still love it. It’s much more than just riding a bike; it’s a lifestyle, which connects traveling, working with people, outdoors and new cultures. Trip design was just another step. I enjoy having the possibility to plan a trip based on my guiding experience and knowledge of the region. And I like working together with the guides to make improvements. What inspires me is showing our guests the best of the places they always wanted to go, to meet with their favorite pro racer or be part of the race they always watched on TV. For a few days allow them to not worry about anything and just fully enjoy their time.

Can we get a quick run-down–what it means to be a Trip Designer? What’s your design process?
I mainly design race trips, except Tour de France. Long before the official route is announced, I keep my eyes and ears open for all rumors to get information ahead of time and start planning routes and booking hotels. After the official announcement it’s two weeks of speedy work—confirming hotels, arranging all the viewings, VIP passes etc. We try to get the trip online as soon as we can because people often ask right after the race is announced. The key is to have a good hotel in a strategic place, close to famous climbs where you can watch the race. Once the guides are on the ground before the trip, they make sure all details are dialed and it’s them who take the itinerary and make it the experience of the lifetime.

Meet our team: Ilona

Tell us about your favorite trip you’ve ever designed and why.
That’s a hard question. Every newly designed trip becomes my favorite! Vuelta 2017 was an unforgettable experience. We work closely with the Trek-Segafredo Team, which makes our trips even more special and unique. Last year we met and talked to Alberto Contador the evening before the last mountain stage. The next day we climbed l’Angliru ourselves and then we watched him winning on this brutal climb in the last stage of his career. After such a hard race, he was willing to meet with Trek Travel guests and take a group selfie right below the podium. Thanks to our relationship with Trek-Segafredo we get to be a part of the race and see behind the scenes.

What’s your dream travel destination?
That’s a long list. Rwanda and Uganda would be at the top. I’m also planning a bike trip through my family roots, which will take me from Czech through Slovakia to Ukraine–Zakarpattia. Then it’s only a step from Romania and Moldova. I just want to see the whole world!

Best travel adventure of all time?
I will never forget 16 days of hiking in Himalayas. It was only my friend and I, sometimes we did not see people for days, sometimes we hung out with locals and slept in their homes. The landscape was breathtaking. It was a challenging hike and I can still remember the feeling on the top of the climb, looking at all that natural beauty around and being simply happy.

What are you looking forward to most in 2018?
So many things! Besides doing my personal travels, tandem skydiving above Czech lands (Xmas present from my brother), I can’t wait for Giro–we will climb Mt. Zoncolan and watch the race there, and ride other beautiful parts of Dolomites.

I’ve already mentioned Vuelta. North of Spain—Asturias, Cantabria and Basque country—has some of the best riding, varied landscape, delicious cuisine and cider! Vuelta is at the end of the season so it’s more relaxed and riders are super friendly and want to meet with fans.
We also have some new trips coming up so this year I will be working on new destinations and designing other trips beside race trips, which I’m very excited about!

Meet our team: Ilona


Join Ilona at the Vuelta.

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Conquering Everest: Christian Notte

This year guest Christian Notte set out to climb more than the height of Everest while on trip during the Giro d’Italia. Not only did he achieve his goal, but he topped it by 5,942 feet.

Christian! We’re so excited to hear about what inspired this. But first, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself.
I’m 49 years old, and I live in Destin, FL. My undergraduate and graduate degrees are in Clinical Psychology from the University of Georgia and I now work within the Neuroscience Division of Johnson & Johnson. I’ve been extremely passionate about cycling since I was in middle school. At the age of 13, I cut yards to save money for my first Trek. Later, I experienced the Tour de France while I was an exchange student in Europe and after college I backpacked throughout France to view as many stages as I could. My passion for both Trek and cycling go back many years!

How did you find Trek Travel?
In 2012, I experienced some life challenges and decided to get back on the bike and do what I love–cycling. I spent years going to numerous bike shops to look at various bike manufactures and after significant consideration I decided to go back to my first bike experience–Trek.

In 2015, I received an e-mail regarding the Trek Travel Project One Experience. I immediately called your home office and spoke with Katherine Usher. She was extremely professional and excited for my opportunity to create my dream bike with a visit to Waterloo, Wisconsin. Not only did I do the design experience but I also did the pick-up experience! Hence, two adventures to your headquarters! After those phenomenal experiences, I signed up for the 2016 Tour de France and the 2017 Giro. Now I’m signing up for the 2018 Vuelta! My goal…to complete the three Grand Tours ALL with Trek Travel–Tour de France, Giro, and Vuelta! The Vuelta will be my 5th Trek Travel adventure!

Christian Notte Everest Challenge Trek Travel Cycling Vacations

What trips have you gone on so far?
2015 October Project One design
2015 December Project One pick-up
2016 Tour De France–Grand Tour number 1
2017 Giro d’Italia–Grand Tour number 2
2018 Vuelta a Espana–Grand Tour number 3
2019 Head to the Classics–Flanders and Paris-Roubaix

What keeps you coming back?
The people. The Trek Travel staff has been nothing short of incredible. They are extremely professional and absolutely FUN! Also, the concept of being able to travel the world via bike with the guidance and support of experienced cycling guides can’t be surpassed. After experiencing just one Trek Travel trip, every true cyclist will embrace another opportunity to see the world with Trek Travel.

Do you have a most memorable day on the bike?
Project One Experience. After years of planning, it’s the day I went to Waterloo, Wisconsin for my second visit to pick up my Trek Domane Project One bike. All available employees surrounded me and the stage. A curtain hid my bike. After an announcement, they slowly pulled the curtain back and there was my dream bike. I’ll never forget it!

Christian Notte Everest Challenge Trek Travel Cycling Vacations

When you aren’t riding bikes on trip or at home what are you doing?
I enjoy riding my Harley-Davidson, saltwater fishing and chill’n at the beach with my girlfriend.

Tell us a little about your quest to climb more than the elevation of Everest.
While flying back from my Trek Travel Tour de France adventure, I started to dream of my next goal. I decided on the 100th Anniversary of the Giro d’Italia. During a training ride to prepare for the mountains of the Giro, I decided I would exceed the height of Mount Everest. While in Italy, I needed additional climbing and asked my guide if I could ride additional mountains. Utilizing my Garmin, I tracked my progress every day to make sure I accomplished all 29,029 feet. After the first week I did it!

May 21st 2,474 feet, 22nd 8,225 feet, 23rd 5,007 feet, 24th 1,847 feet, 25th 10,190 feet, 26th 7,228 feet.

Total Christian Climbing= 34,971 feet
Mount Everest Height= 29,029 feet

What made you decide to tackle such a huge challenge?
I wanted to conquer Everest for the same reasons as the professional mountain climbers. The true sense of accomplishment and the fulfillment of a dream. When asked by the Trek Project One team what I wanted painted on my top tube, there was only one answer for me… “Carpe Diem”. I seized My Everest!

Christian Notte Everest Challenge Trek Travel Cycling Vacations

What challenge do you have on deck next?
I want to complete all three Grand Tours via Trek Travel. I’m excited about this year’s Vuelta, and I’m training very hard to get in the best shape I can to climb another Everest.

What are you looking forward to most at the Vuelta?
The people. I’m looking forward to meeting the guides and guests from all over the world. Cycling has changed my life including helping me develop incredible friendships that would not exist had it not been for my personal decision to get back on the bike.

Dream Trek Travel trip?
A Trek Travel dream trip would include the Australia Santos Tour Down Under for one week followed by one week touring New Zealand.

Christian Notte Everest Challenge Trek Travel Cycling Vacations

And just a few for fun…
What’s your winter training looking like?
I’m a big fan of having an indoor trainer. If you live in a climate where the weather makes cycling impossible and/or you have an active career a trainer is a must. Although I live in the Panhandle of Florida, the weather can get down to the 20s which can make an early ride a little chilly. After work, I may get home and it’s dark outside which can make training tough. Recently, I purchased a Tacx Neo trainer which has had a huge impact on my training. This allows me to train day or night regardless of weather conditions so when I’m able to do my road training, I’m much more effective. Although there is Zwift, I DVR-record numerous cycling events which helps the training be more enjoyable.

Cider or hot chocolate?
Best question thus far! A nice hot chocolate can make any cold day have a warm moment. Don’t forget the whipped cream!

When in Rome: Top 5 Phrases to Know in Italy

Straight from our guide Valeria in Milan, Italy—the top 5 words and phrases to know when you’re cycling the rolling landscapes of the country she calls home.

Dai! Dai!: It is like Allez! Allez! in French, but since it’s pronounced like “Die! Die!” the guests always make jokes on the climbs and remember it forever.

Buono: For the taste of food-gelato is buono, pizza is buona

Bravo!: Said when you do something well or achieve something-when on top of a climb we say to Bob, “Hey Bob, bravo! Well done!” and you Rita, “Brava!” And for a group we use the plural, “Bravi!”

Scusi, dov’è il bagno?: This is key and means, “Sorry, where is the bathroom?”

Grazie mille!: Thanks a million!


Top 5 Phrases to know in Italy


Join us in Italy.

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Inside Wine Country: Summit Lake Vineyards

Summit Lake Vineyards and Winery is a much-loved stop on our California Wine Country tours. We caught up with Heather Griffin, daughter of the founders of Summit Lake, to learn a little more about the wines they produce high atop Howell Mountain.

What is key when considering where to start a winery?

One of the best jokes about what it takes….
“What is the best way to make a small fortune in the wine business? Start with a large one.”

Still holds true today.

I think the most important thing to look at is what you’re after for quality and how you expect to sell your wine when it’s done! My dad started on Howell Mountain because he couldn’t afford valley floor property in the early 70’s and our little piece pf property worked into his budget and timing. If you want to sell an outstanding product you have to grow grapes in a premium area and Howell Mountain and the Napa Valley have consistently shown to be an amazing place to grow grapes.

Trek Travel California Wine Country Summit Lake Vineyard

You recently went through harvest season, can you tell us a little about that process and what next steps are after harvest?

Harvest time is one of the best times of the year to visit. It’s like Christmas for grape growers and winemakers, the thing you wait all year for. It is the most work and the most fun. Since we grow all of our own fruit we work in the vineyards all year tending to the vines preparing for harvest. We start sampling the grapes a few weeks ahead of our projected harvest to check the sugar content and acid levels in the fruit. This allows us to have a good idea of when the quality of the fruit is best. We also wait and watch the dogs who start eating the grapes when they’re ready. Harvest is a busy time, and we have multiple days of picking over several weeks of time. We hand pick all of our fruit and can have multiple picks of the same varietal depending on the age of the vines and location on the property. We get all of our picking done while the fruit is cool in the mornings and then crush the fruit as soon as the picking is done that day.

It’s hard to describe everything that goes into making wine because everything you do to a grape affects the outcome of your finished product. We pick the fruit, de-stem the grapes (take them off the stems) and may or may not crush them, depending on the varietal and what we want from those particular grapes. They go into a fermentation tank and can spend days to weeks in the tank depending on the winemakers style. After the fermentation is complete we press the wine off of the skins and put the wine back into tanks to settle before transferring to barrels for the aging process.

Here at Summit Lake we just settled our last bit of wine down to barrels for the 2017 vintage!

Trek Travel California Wine Country Summit Lake Vineyard

What is a must-try, can’t miss wine at Summit Lake?
That’s like asking a parent which child is their favorite! Depends on the day, what you’re eating, and what you’re in the mood for. Zinfandel is what was planted on our property originally in the 1800’s by the Italians that were in the valley. It’s also the varietal my dad fell in love with and what got him into this crazy business. It grows beautifully on Howell Mountain and what we still focus on here at Summit Lake.

But we are also about family…all of the grand kids have wines named for them now. We grow Cabernet and Petite Sirah in addition to our Zinfandel, and they have all proven to do very well in the volcanic soil Howell Mountain is known for.

What pairings do you recommend?
Our wines are all made to be food friendly and to be shared. If you’re serving lamb I would go with our Zinfandel. Beef or game goes well with the any of the reds especially the Cabernet and Petite Sirah. And our Zinfandel Port is amazing with desserts or by itself after dinner. It easily pairs with cheese, fresh berries and cream, or of course chocolate.


What inspired your label design?
All of our wines outside of our Zinfandel are named for the grand kids in the family. They were all designed to reflect the kiddos and their personalities. They each have a long story behind them that takes at least a couple of glasses of wine to get through…full details available at Summit Lake visits!

What are Summit Lake’s goals for the future?
To keep making wine to share with family and friends!


Experience Summit Lake for Yourself

Visit California Wine Country

Vote for your favorite tour operator

Every year, Travel + Leisure asks readers to vote on the top hotels, destinations, airlines, and tour operators around the globe. Known as the World’s Best Awards, travelers rated tour operators on their staff and guides, itineraries and destinations, activities, accommodations, food, and overall value. We are thrilled to announce that, with a score of 96.97, Trek Travel was in the Top 10 as one of the World’s Best Tour Operators in 2016. Will you help us get to number one this year?


If a date is marked as Private, it is reserved for a private group.

Don’t see exactly what you are looking for or looking for a custom date?
Call our trip consultants at 866-464-8735

What is the Difference?

Ultimate Luxury:

Savor some of the most spectacular, 5-star properties in the world. Exuding luxury and elegance, these one-of-a-kind accommodations offer the chance to rejuvenate at award-winning spas, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and more.


Enjoy luxurious accommodations handpicked for a refined experience. From signature spa treatments to delicious local cuisine, you’ll be more than provided for; you’ll be pampered.


These handpicked hotels provide relaxation and fun in a casual and comfortable environment. Delicious cuisine and great service mix perfectly for a memorable stay.


On select cycling vacations, you’ll stay at a mix of Explorer and Luxury hotels. Rest assured, no matter which hotel level you’re at, our trip designers carefully select every accommodation.

Activity Level

Level 1:

Road: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 25 mi (40 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Gravel: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 20 mi (35 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 1-3 hours of hiking. Up to 5 mi (8 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Level 2:

Road: 2-4 hours of riding. 20-35 mi (35-60 km). Up to 2,500 ft (750 m).

Gravel: 2-4 hours of riding. 15-30 mi (25-45 km). Up to 2,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 2-4 hours of hiking. 4-8 mi (6-12 km). Up to 1,500 ft (450 m).

Level 3:

Road: 3-5 hours of riding. 25-55 mi (40-85 km). Up to 4,500 ft (1,500 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 20-40 mi (35-60 km). Up to 3,000 ft (900 m).

Hiking: 3-5 hours of hiking. 6-10 mi (9-16 km). Up to 2,000 ft (600 m).

Level 4:

Road: 4+ hours of riding. 40-70 mi (60-110 km). Up to 8,000 ft (2,400 m).

Gravel: 4+ hours of riding. 30-50 mi (45-80 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

Hiking: 4+ hours of hiking. 7-15 mi (11-24 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

What are your trip styles?

Classic - Reserve:

Savor the finer things as you relax in luxurious 5-star accommodations and wine, dine, and ride in some of the most unforgettable destinations around the world.

Classic - Signature:

Explore beautiful destinations by bike, enjoy extra inclusions, savor delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the perfect mix of accommodations.

Classic - Discover:

Enjoy a casual cycling vacation with fantastic routes and comfortable accommodations.

Ride Camp:

Train like the pros in some of their favorite riding destinations.

Pro Race:

See the pros in action at the biggest cycling events of the year.

Cross Country:

Tackle an epic adventure that takes you point-to-point across mountains, countryside, and more.


Enjoy a bike tour on your schedule with just your chosen travel companions.

Single Occupancy

Sometimes it’s more convenient and comfortable to have your own room while on vacation. We understand and that’s why we offer a Single Occupancy option. The additional price guarantees a private room all to yourself