A company president. Doctors and IT specialists. Pharmacists and marketing workers. For all of them, a challenging week riding a bike in the mountains of Tuscany was the perfect get-away vacation.
As we try to find the right balance between family, careers, health, socializing, activity and rest in our regular lives, some of us also want those same things on vacation. Since many of us have sedentary jobs, the vacation is an opportunity to detach and get up and move around.
I did not have to bring my own bike to Italy; Trek Travel provided them on site, with electronic shifting, the greatest invention ever, and new Garmins with a GPS and our daily ride routes already programmed. We had two guides with us at all times; one riding with us on the road, the other in a van on our route, supporting our ride with supplies, equipment, food and hydration. Drastik and Wouter Alaerts, our guides for the week, handled everything, adjusting bikes and brakes, recharging our lights and our Garmins, refilling our water bottles, helping with lunch choices, chilling beer in the cooler for the end of the ride. What a luxury. I felt like a princess.