Many travelers think their health insurance or free credit card insurance will completely cover their out of pocket expenses. However, that’s often not the case. Here are our Top 6 Reasons to consider travel protection for your next cycling vacation.

1. You’re Embarking on an Active Adventure
As an active traveler, you’re likely to be active prior to your trip. What happens if you sprain an ankle running, break a leg skiing, or have an accident however minor before your trip that prohibits you from riding a bike? The good news is, your trip cost will likely be covered by travel protection.

2. Healthcare Overseas
We recommend checking with your insurance provider to see if you’ll be covered while traveling overseas. If an injury or sickness happens while you’re traveling, it’s good to know you’ll be covered. In addition to your regular health insurance, travel protection typically offers coverage for medical emergencies and medical evacuation.

3. Travel Assistance Services
If something goes wrong during your travels, your trip insurance will provide 24/7 travel assistance service. This service will provide assistance with medical emergencies, lost passports, tickets, and more.

4. Family Trouble
It can be difficult to plan vacations with ill or elderly family members at home. Some policies may even cover family members that are not part of your travel plans.

5. Baggage Protection
No one likes a lost bag. While you wait for your luggage to arrive, trip insurance will pay for the items you’ll need in the meantime. It’s great to know that inconvenience of losing your bag will not cost you more money.

6. Peace of Mind
Traveling can be stressful, and cancelling a vacation can be a nightmare. Having travel protection gives you the peace of mind to know that if something does come up, you will likely be covered.
Please call us at 866-464-8735 to discuss the benefits of trip insurance for your existing or upcoming trip, and learn more about our travel protection plan.