“Every country has a place where the pace of life is slower and the residents seem more concerned with what’s for dinner than anything else. In Spain — a country already known for its siestas and multi-hour meals — that region is Andalusia. Located in the southernmost part of the country, Andalusia is one of Spain’s best areas for bike touring. The roads are smooth, the drivers are mellow, the weather is generally comfortable, and the food is hearty.”
A.C. Shilton | September 23, 2015
“This is quintessential Spain. It’s limestone peaks, mountain passes, and spectacular views,” says Meagan Coates, a trip designer for Trek Travel. Coates planned the company’s current trip through Andalusia, and says it’s one of her favorites. “The terrain is varied with occasional steep climbs. Car traffic is generally slow-moving and drivers are courteous of cyclists.”
“Plus, Andalusia has tons of off-the-bike destinations to explore. Balance time in the saddle with trips to wander through Moorish ruins, explore stunning cathedrals, visit world-class museums and, of course, eat your share of Ibérico ham. By the end of the trip you’ll see why artists like Picasso, composers like Bizet and Mozart, and authors like Hemmingway were all inspired by this corner of the world. Here’s how to plan your inn-to-inn trip.”