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Bike to Work - Trek Travel

Bike to Work Week: TT Commuters

Bike to Work Week? As if the Trek Travel staff needed another reason to pedal their hearts out. Get to know some of our office commuters and their tips, tricks, hacks and favorites they just can’t start the morning without.



What’s your commuter bike?
A Trek Domane SLR7.

How far do you ride to work?
24 miles round-trip!

One “pro tip” for commuters?
Handy tool: Trek Travel water bottle to squirt rabid dogs in hot pursuit.

Weirdest thing you’ve seen riding to work?
Not really weird, but having a tom turkey block my path ruffled my feathers.

Jenny Trek Travel


What’s your commuter bike?
Trek District 9.

How far do you ride to work?
.5 miles with a stop for coffee.

Favorite part about your commute?
It’s downhill the whole way.

Breakfast go-to?
Two eggs over easy on a piece of multi-grain toast from Madison Sourdough with half an avocado. Sprinkled with red pepper flakes on top.

Mark Trek Travel Commuter


What’s your commuter bike?
Trek cross bike.

How far do you ride to work?
5 miles one way on the Southwest Commuter path.

Favorite part about your route?
It’s almost entirely on a bike path!

One thing you never leave home without?
My helmet. But the cooler part now is my fancy new Peak Design backpack.

Katherine Trek Travel commuter


What’s your commuter bike?
Either my Trek Silque or Trek Lync.

How far do you ride to work?
6 miles

Favorite part about your route?
I love coming around Olin Park to catch a great view of the Madison Skyline. It’s also amazing that every day the lake looks a little different!

What’s your rock solid advice for starting the day off on the right foot?
A great cup of coffee and a good podcast or some awesome tunes to commute with!

Ashley Trek Travel Commuter


What’s your commuter bike?
My one and only (for now) is a Trek Lexa 4 road bike. It gets the job done and I’m obsessed with the color!

How far do you ride to work?
My round-trip commute is a beautiful 13 miles!

Commuter “pro-tip”?
Being sweaty at work is the worst. Solution: dresses! I’ve realized they’ve become my go-to when I commute because you can just stuff them in your jersey and not have to worry about a backpack!

Favorite part about your route?
My favorite section is the first three miles through the length of the UW-Madison Arboretum, complete with a descent through a thick deciduous forest.

Brie Trek Travel commuter


What’s your commuter bike?
My vanilla colored Trek 9th District, ‘Vanilla Bean’, or my Madone if there are lunch or post work rides planned with the TT crew.

How far do you ride to work?
7 miles round-trip

What’s the one thing you can’t commute without?
My bike, of course. Also, my travel coffee mug filled with my favorite coffee is pretty essential to power me through the morning.

Favorite breakfast?
Coffee, did I mention I like coffee? If you want actual food then I’d say avocado toast and a fried egg.

Industry Insider: Gary Fisher

A pinstripe suit, fedora hat and handlebar mustache are not what most people expect when they first meet one of the founding fathers of mountain biking. But for Gary Fisher, this bold style is matched by his larger-than-life personality, and it is his unwavering passion for bikes, not his attire, that catches our eye.

Gary Fisher on a Trek Travel Cycling Vacation
Briefly, tell us your story. What inspired your passion for bikes?

I started riding and racing when I was just 12 years old. I found the sport on my own. I met some 16 year olds who road raced at the bike shop where my father bought me a 10-speed, and they told me I was too young and too little (89 lbs.). This only furthered my resolve and I refused to turn around. That first ride was better than 20 miles. I was accepted! I soon fell in love with the endless roads, the strategy of racing, and the science and art of the world’s most efficient transport.
Gary Fisher as a young bike racer
From the time you and your partners founded the company “MountainBikes” in 1979 until today, what do you believe has been the single most important development in the bicycle industry?

Bikes in the ’70s were like a regulation piece of sporting equipment. They were essentially the same from year to year. The old steel bikes were works of art, but the new technology in bikes is the way to go if you want a fast, comfortable ride. In one word, it is: carbon. What you want is a carbon designer and maker with a lot of experience. I am happy to work with that group, and it has been all about creating real bikes we only dreamt of, and making a lot of people very happy.
Gary Fisher Mountain Bikes
You once said, “Anyone who rides a bike is a friend of mine.” In your opinion, what are the three keys to getting more people on bikes?

1. Education: How to ride a bike, starting young. How to drive a car around a bike. How riding a bike can be key to solving your health issues. How riding a bike can make you happier. Why it makes sense for cities to invest in biking and walking.

2. Law: Protecting venerable users. Those that control the massive power rolling down the street have a greater responsibility. Many countries have or are adopting these laws. More of these laws need to come to the United States.

3. Infrastructure: Bike routes are sort of a new thing. But they have proven to work really well and be really good for cities financially. We have built them and the people have come. Next up will be making real investment. Making bike routes that are really fast, safe and even fun. Creating places that invite people to walk, ride a bike and interact with each other. The “five-minute community”, where you can walk or ride to do most (or all) of your daily errands in five minutes or less, have shown lower health costs. Cities are changing fast and the younger generation wants to move back. 100 years ago, families of wealth and power would raise their children in the city, where culture was. Raise your kids in the city? Yes, that’s just where city leaders want to go. Exciting times.

You have seen much of the world from the seat of a bicycle. What is your favorite travel destination and why?

I think Italy has to be my favorite place to go ride a bike because there are so many different roads, paths and trails. You get to be in the postcard. The bike riders are not only fun to ride with, but they are also properly emotional and never boring. The events are classic but verging on insane. And you know about the food. Need I say more?
The story behind Gary Fisher's Style
What is the influence behind your very distinct style?

My family.

My grandfather worked for Warner Bros in Hollywood for 50 years. He created the job “Script Director” and would bring home big actors. He also took me out on the set. He taught me how to speak, and how to hold myself in front of a camera.

My father had a very successful architecture firm in Downtown San Francisco, right on top of Tadich Grill. We always had art in the house. When he started his new firm, he made the furniture in our little apartment in the Sunset district of San Francisco. He later bought many classic iconic pieces for the house. I sit in an Eames chair he bought me when I was 14 years old. My father also did Abstract Impressionism, and one of his paintings from the ’50s is on our wall. We even had a darkroom. He did some remarkable black and white photos of the very best road racing in the USA in the mid-sixties.

Ultimately, my mother taught me how dress and be social. She went to Beverly Hills High School.
Meet the Founder of Mountain Biking, Gary Fisher
Tell us about your most memorable day on a bike.

I have spent so many great days on a bike! I did more than 300 rides in 2015! I could never narrow it down to any one day. I continue to be pleasantly surprised that I still have many great places to go and great people to share these times with. I am completely grateful that I can ride a bike.
Gary Fisher Mountain Biking in Utah
Trek Travel Interviews Mountain Bike Founder Gary Fisher

When To Replace A Bike Helmet

When is the last time you bought yourself something nice that can also save your life? If it’s been more than 3-5 years since you bought a new bike helmet, then do yourself a favor and don’t wait any longer. Most helmets have a manufacturer recommended lifespan of 3-5 years, even if it has never been in a crash.

Helmet technology is almost as amazing as smart phone technology. Advancements in design, weight, retention systems, cooling and fit have come an incredibly long way in the past few years. Every time I purchase a new helmet, I ask myself how they possibly improved the fit and technology so much when I thought my last helmet was perfect!

Purchasing a new helmet is also a great opportunity to make sure it fits properly. The safety of your helmet relies on the adjustment of its straps. It is important to make sure the strap buckles fit right below your ears and the chin strap isn’t too loose. My rule of thumb: always err on the side of caution. If you can’t remember when you purchased your helmet, stop into a local bicycle dealer and get fit for a new one. Your safety and security is worth the price.

So. Many. Choices.

Wear a Bontrager bicycle helmet on your Trek Travel cycling vacation

Why I Ride: Jane Burns

This is the story of my journey from a non-rider to a cyclist extraordinaire.

Act One:

At age 44 I took my first bike trip in Europe. Actually, it was my first bike trip ever and first time on a bike in Europe. The Trek Travel trip was not in the Loire Valley in France or through the tulip fields of Holland (which are relatively flat), but in the hills of Italy! In Tuscany we were either riding up to a “hill town” or downhill, on our way to go up another hill, to another town. I did not even own a road bike at the time. I trained for the trip on a hybrid with flat pedals, and that is the bike I rode on the trip. I didn’t even own a pair of cycling shorts!

The first afternoon was designed to stretch our legs, and this found me riding alone as the last rider of the group. I was talking out loud at the imagined version of my husband, a long-time avid cyclist, in front of me. The one-sided conversation went something like this: “What am I doing here? These are mountains not hills! People are on this trip training for the Iron Man qualifying event in Madison! There are former amateur and pro riders on this trip! What were you thinking bringing me!”

Everyone on the trip was supportive and encouraging to those of us who were not experienced riders – specially the Trek Travel guides. The three female guides changed my life. These three wonderful ladies encouraged me to ride at my own pace, to challenge myself, and were always willing to ride with me no matter how slow. I listened to their parting words at the end of the trip: “ Don’t give up cycling.”
Trek Travel guests cycle at all paces

Act Two:

I took those words to heart. I am fortunate to have a husband who is patient and loves cycling more than any other activity. He helped me move forward in my equipment choices from hybrid, to a Women’s Specific Design road bike, and now to a Trek Madone (like going from a pony to a Thoroughbred Horse). I moved from regular pedals, to mountain bike pedals, and now to road bike clip-in pedals. I now own cycling shorts too!
Meet Trek Travel guest Jane Burns and find out why she rides bikes

Act Three:

At age 55, I now have five Trek Travel trips checked off my long wish list including Adelaide, Australia, Napa Valley, California, and Dordogne, France. By taking the guides’ words to heart, not only has my cycling improved, but so have so many parts of my life. I decided to start pilates three years ago to improve my cycling and this happened along with my overall strength, balance and flexibility. I have a confidence on the bike that has allowed me to ride in foreign countries, like Japan. My health has improved and my weight has dropped. I moved to downtown Madison, Wisconsin and use a bike as part of my daily transportation. I use my ability to ride longer distances to raise money for charity.

I don’t know what Act 4 has in store for me, but I will always have the Trek Travel guides’ words in my heart as I travel down the road on my bike.
Trek Travel welcomes riders of all abilities

Watch our Guest Story video about Jane Burns»

Rethinking Stuff Sacks

As a guide I have accumulated a nice little stash of Trek Travel guest bags over the last six years.

I really like the ones with side pockets and real shoulder straps that we give at our Tour de France trips, but even that petal pink one from a few years back is kind of nice. I’ve discovered that instead of becoming closet clutter these little bags can be repurposed for all kinds of tasks. Most recently I packed a stuff sack into my backpack on a Patagonian trek through Torres del Paine National Park, thinking it would make a perfect summit bag. Sure enough, this simple tote was just the solution for a late evening scamper up from our campsite to catch sunset on the famous towers for which the park is named.

Of course, that’s not the only way to reuse these industrious bags. Here are my top five ways to repurpose our day bags:

1. Contain muddy mountain bike shoes in my duffel after a ride

2. Grocery bags, especially when traveling by bike

3. Dirty laundry bag while traveling or guiding

4. Hanging holder for empty water bottles in my pantry

5. Beach bag for my towel, sunscreen, book and beer

How to repurpose a Trek Travel stuff sack
How to pack with a Trek Travel stuff sack
Packing tips from Trek Travel

Clothing Tips for Weather Changes

Layers, Layers, Layers!

That’s the best advice I can give you for this time of year.

The weather changes so much during the spring that sometimes you have no idea what to expect from sunrise to sunset. Just this week temperatures in Madison went from 75 degrees and sunny to below freezing and snow within one week. With temperature swings like this, it can be hard to plan out your clothing needs for the day.

Layers are your friend. It is super important to have a good base layer that can wick away moisture as you ride. Depending on the length of your ride, you might experience a 15 degree rise in temperature while you’re on the bike. If this is the case, a good base layer gives you the ability to shed off a jacket and still remain warm and dry.

I typically ride with 3 layers this time of year: a base layer, a long sleeve warmer jersey, and a jacket. There are many great spring weather jackets that have zip off arms. These are great because often you only want a vest once you’re warmed up. One of my favorites is the RXL Convertible Jacket from Bontrager. Buy yourself one of these and you’ll thank me for it!

Bontrager Base Layer for Trek Travel Cycling Vacation

Bontrager Thermal Long Sleeve Jersey for Trek Travel Cycling Vacation

Bontrager RXL Convertible Jacket for Trek Travel Cycling Vacation

In Focus: National Bike Summit

The 2015 National Bike Summit, organized by the League of American Bicyclists, was held last week on Capitol Hill. Their objective, to increase investments in bicycling, aligns closely with our mission to encourage a passion for cycling.

The theme? Bikes+. It is time to consider how bikes can add value to other movements and serve broader interests.
The goal? Unite the voices of bicyclists to advance bike safety and funding.
The outcome? More than 650 bicyclists came together for workshops, case studies, brainstorming, lobbying and more.

Trek Travel President Tania Burke attended the event again this year. “The event was great. There are a lot of passionate bike advocates working really hard to not only make a more bike friendly world but to also create great places to live. The Mayor of Oklahoma City went through what they are doing and it is inspiring.”

View photos of the event, then visit the website to learn more about how you can get involved.
Trek Travel Attends the 2015 National Bike Summit
Trek Travel Attends the 2015 National Bike Summit
Trek Travel Attends the 2015 National Bike Summit
Trek Travel Attends the 2015 National Bike Summit

Techniques for Winter Riding

If you ride all year like a growing number of people in the world, I’m sure you have experienced less than ideal riding conditions, especially during these winter months. I’d like to give you a few pointers on good riding technique to keep your ride safe and uneventful!

Eye contact: This is true in all weather conditions, but eye contact with motorists is very important. Don’t assume that people see you 100% of the time. Intersections are a place where the unexpected can happen in a heartbeat. Make sure you have eye contact with someone driving near you. It’s always better to know that someone sees you than to make assumptions.

Lights: The nights still come upon us early and riding without lights is unsafe and sometimes illegal in certain states. Not only does it help with vehicles, but it helps with fellow pedestrians on the bike path. I can’t tell you how often I barely see other riders because they don’t use a light. I can’t imagine driving without headlights, and we shouldn’t be riding without lights either. Personally, I’m a fan of multiple rear lights too–one blinking and one steady. You can never be too safe!

Avoiding Debris: While riding on the roads be careful about riding too close to the curb. That’s an area of the road that collects debris this time of year. Broken glass and a lot of miscellaneous items that can ruin your day live by the curb during the winter months. Riding just a bit further into the lane, away from these potentially dangerous items, can be a good idea to avoid a puncture or flat tire. Also keeping a straight line and riding predictably is much safer than weaving to avoid debris and keeping the cars behind you guessing your next move.
Winter cycling tips from Trek Travel Logistics Manager

Winter Riding Blues

As Juno covers the East Coast in snow, and others of us have been riding downstairs on the trainer for months, we are all dreaming of those warm 72 degree days. But if you’re brave enough to face the elements, we’re here to provide you with a few tips on riding in the snow and cold.

  1. Don’t bring your bike inside. It’s best if the bike stays the same temp throughout the day. Having the slush/water freeze then melt daily will wreak more havoc on it than just keeping it below freezing all the time.
  2. Keep that chain as clean and lubed as you can. A daily wiping down of the chain is a good practice to get into. All of the road salt will quickly erode any lubrication properties of most chain lubes. Use a good wet lube weekly to keep your chain in tip top shape and don’t forget to wipe the excess off after you apply it. Remember you are trying to lube the parts inside the chain, not the parts you see!
  3. Gear up, get out, and enjoy the ride!

Winter Riding Tips from Trek Travel

National Bike Challenge 2014

At Trek Travel, we strive to encourage a passion for cycling. It is our mission to show people the world by bike, and for that to be possible, we need safe places to ride and people to ride with. Thankfully we aren’t the only ones with this dream. We have allies on our side helping to fight the battle.

Trek Travel joins League of American Bicyclists in National Bike Challenge

The League of American Bicyclists strives to create
 safer roads, stronger communities, and a more bicycle-friendly America. They believe that bicycling brings people together. So do we. They believe when more people ride bikes, life is better for everyone. So do we. They believe the bicycle is a simple solution to health, economic, and environmental problems. So do we.

In 2012, the League of American Bicyclists first presented the National Bike Challenge as a way to unite current bicyclists and encourage new riders. It’s a free and easy competition designed to get people to ride their bike. The challenge rewards those who ride most consistently, not necessarily the greatest distance. Riders receive 20 points for every day they ride a bike, and one point for every mile they ride. Fast forward three years and the National Bike Challenge united 47,000 people to ride 23 million miles in just five months. Wisconsin, our home state, came in first nationally.

Trek Travel has participated in the challenge for the last two years. Last year we accumulated nearly 30,000 points. This year: 50,000. Together, 17 of us rode nearly 20,000 miles, burnt over 1 million calories, and saved nearly $10,000. We rode in sun and rain…and even tornado warnings. We rode in soaking-wet humidity and bone-chilling cold. We rode in the early morning and late evening, saw sunrises and sunsets. We rode in new places, near and far. Next year we plan to up the ante again, and we encourage you to join us. Start a team or join an existing one. Get your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to ride with you. Log your miles. Challenge yourself. And most importantly, enjoy the ride.


Sunshine-NBC High-Viz-NBC Rainy-Day-NBC Ben-and-Mark-NBC

Photos from the road during the 2014 National Bike Challenge


If a date is marked as Private, it is reserved for a private group.

Don’t see exactly what you are looking for or looking for a custom date?
Call our trip consultants at 866-464-8735

What is the Difference?

Ultimate Luxury:

Savor some of the most spectacular, 5-star properties in the world. Exuding luxury and elegance, these one-of-a-kind accommodations offer the chance to rejuvenate at award-winning spas, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and more.


Enjoy luxurious accommodations handpicked for a refined experience. From signature spa treatments to delicious local cuisine, you’ll be more than provided for; you’ll be pampered.


These handpicked hotels provide relaxation and fun in a casual and comfortable environment. Delicious cuisine and great service mix perfectly for a memorable stay.


On select cycling vacations, you’ll stay at a mix of Explorer and Luxury hotels. Rest assured, no matter which hotel level you’re at, our trip designers carefully select every accommodation.

Activity Level

Level 1:

Road: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 25 mi (40 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Gravel: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 20 mi (35 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 1-3 hours of hiking. Up to 5 mi (8 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Level 2:

Road: 2-4 hours of riding. 20-35 mi (35-60 km). Up to 2,500 ft (750 m).

Gravel: 2-4 hours of riding. 15-30 mi (25-45 km). Up to 2,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 2-4 hours of hiking. 4-8 mi (6-12 km). Up to 1,500 ft (450 m).

Level 3:

Road: 3-5 hours of riding. 25-55 mi (40-85 km). Up to 4,500 ft (1,500 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 20-40 mi (35-60 km). Up to 3,000 ft (900 m).

Hiking: 3-5 hours of hiking. 6-10 mi (9-16 km). Up to 2,000 ft (600 m).

Level 4:

Road: 4+ hours of riding. 40-70 mi (60-110 km). Up to 8,000 ft (2,400 m).

Gravel: 4+ hours of riding. 30-50 mi (45-80 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

Hiking: 4+ hours of hiking. 7-15 mi (11-24 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

What are your trip styles?

Classic - Reserve:

Savor the finer things as you relax in luxurious 5-star accommodations and wine, dine, and ride in some of the most unforgettable destinations around the world.

Classic - Signature:

Explore beautiful destinations by bike, enjoy extra inclusions, savor delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the perfect mix of accommodations.

Classic - Discover:

Enjoy a casual cycling vacation with fantastic routes and comfortable accommodations.

Ride Camp:

Train like the pros in some of their favorite riding destinations.

Pro Race:

See the pros in action at the biggest cycling events of the year.

Cross Country:

Tackle an epic adventure that takes you point-to-point across mountains, countryside, and more.


Enjoy a bike tour on your schedule with just your chosen travel companions.

Single Occupancy

Sometimes it’s more convenient and comfortable to have your own room while on vacation. We understand and that’s why we offer a Single Occupancy option. The additional price guarantees a private room all to yourself