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Guest Posts - Trek Travel

Why I Ride: Cooper Farrell

Cycling is something that I will do for the rest of my life. It’s something a grandson can do with his grandpa, and everyone in between. It’s something people do because it brings joy to their lives – the breeze in their face, the smiles of friends, the adventure and of course the places you can explore.

My name is Cooper Farrell, or Coop, as many call me. I am from the Santa Ynez Valley, home of the Danish enclave of Solvang, but more importantly, a cycling paradise. Back in the day, the USPS team would hold their winter training camps here. More recently, Solvang became famous for the blistering times set in the individual time trial of the Amgen Tour of California. To me, it is simply home. Cyclists hear of the Bulldog Café as something like a historic site, while to me it’s where I start my Saturday group rides. I began cycling in early 2011, after chasing Martin Mortensen (Leopard-Trek rider in 2011) in a follow car through the Santa Ynez hills I know so well. After that, I took my mom’s aluminum road bike for a couple twenty mile spins, and the rest has happened in a blink of an eye.

I joined the local cycling club which had a small junior team with about six guys. At the beginning, my friend told me stories of the infamous Figueroa Mountain, and the brutality of the Saturday group rides. Rather than discouraging me, they inspired me to I train my butt off. Eventually I conquered the Fig, and occasionally took home a stop-sign-sprint prize at the end of a long Saturday morning.
Trek Travel friend Cooper Farrell talks about why he rides his bicycle!
In the summer of 2012, I was offered an internship at Trek Travel. I jumped at the opportunity, and next thing I knew I was on a flight to meet the team in Megève, a small ski town in the Alps of France. I was really nervous. I was 15 years old, and now as an 18 year old, I realize how crazy that is. The title I gave myself was ‘Assistant Guide’. I think was fitting. My main objective was to help with some of the more tedious parts of being a guide. I put together the route profiles with descriptions of the climbs and other notable sections. I filled water bottles, helped with luggage, put bikes on the roofs, set up snack stations, and put together bike racks.

Of course the best part of my job was the riding, and the people I met while doing so. Alongside the guides, who couldn’t have been nicer, the guests were all true lovers of cycling and the Tour de France. They were some of the kindest people I have ever met. I rode with just about every person: old, young, beginner, expert – all ages and all skill levels. I knew the guests were the first priority, and they always reciprocated and in some ways made me feel like a celebrity. They loved seeing a 15 year old kid riding some of the most notorious climbs and routes in the world, and I loved experiencing them with the guests. I remember one guest, Nick, who loved to race with me up the climbs. It almost turned into a daily thing and was certainly one of the most memorable parts of my journey.

Cycling is a special thing. It has the ability to break through age, gender, skill, and experience. I rolled through the foothills of the Pyrenees with a father and his daughter, I raced up Col de Madeleine with Nick, I got descending lessons from Hershey down Le Col des Aravis, and I was dragged backed to Megève behind a man and his wife after I bonked during a long day. All this while being in the midst of the best cyclists in the world and having VIP access at Le Tour–literally hanging with the pros. It couldn’t have been more awesome. I am grateful to Trek Travel for giving me this incredible opportunity, thankful for the guides who made it a fun and meaningful experience, the guests who were the icing on the cake and made me a little less homesick 6,000 miles away from home, and finally my mom, for letting me use her bike to get me hooked on a great sport with great people.
Trek Travel Interviews Cooper Farrell

Why I Ride: Londa Dewey

Wisconsin native, Colorado transplant and world-traveler Londa Dewey tells us about why she enjoys cycling. After pedaling in places far and wide there are a few rides that stand out above the rest.

“Riding a bike is a great way to get and stay in shape, however there’s also a wonderful social component to it. My husband and I choose to do a Trek Travel trip each fall because I truly enjoy the social aspect of the trips as well as the incredible destinations we get to see. The trips give us the motivation to ride, and we have so much fun training with friends. I don’t have a favorite ride because there are too many to choose from. But I’ll give you my top three:

On a recent Trek Travel trip, we rode around Crater Lake in Oregon. The morning started cool and sunny, which was a welcome change from rainy conditions the day before. Riding around the lake provided so many spectacular views of the clear blue water. The combination of hills and altitude was fun and challenging. Mid-way through the ride we got off our bikes, hiked to the lake and took a boat ride with the ranger. It was a great day.

Then there’s our trip to Costa Brava, Spain. Another great trip and another favorite ride. The morning was sunny and beautiful, but I was a bit nervous about the winding coastal road we were supposed to climb. Once we started riding, it was fantastic. Every turn provided a new view of the Mediterranean. The challenge was rewarded when we stopped at a village to explore and enjoy a wonderful Spanish lunch.

Lastly, the ride from Vail Village up Vail Pass is incredible. It is about 24 miles round trip, but the altitude and elevation gain makes it quite a challenge. At one point, the bike path parallels I-70, so we were riding next to semi trucks as they labored up the pass. It’s hard to believe how fast the pro riders go up the pass. I was just thrilled to complete the ride and enjoy the glide down. Whether we ride west through Glenwood Canyon or east over Vail Pass, the colors of the aspen trees and sounds of roaring rivers provide amazing scenery for the ride.

So, I ride because I love enjoying the outdoors, exploring new areas and spending time with friends. Even at home in Wisconsin, our rides allow time to enjoy the rolling hills and countryside that make our state so wonderful. I also love the challenge of conquering a hill or the sense of accomplishment when completing a long route. And most of all, I love the camaraderie of riding a bike with family and friends.”

– Londa Dewey, Trek Travel Guest
Trek Travel Guest Londa Dewey Rides in Prague and Vienna
Trek Travel Guest Londa Dewey Rides in Oregon
Trek Travel Guest Londa Dewey Rides in Costa Brava
Trek Travel Guest Londa Dewey Rides in New Mexico

Trish hits the mountains of Mallorca

“17 switchbacks. That was how my Trek Travel guide described the climb up Col de Soller on the third day of my Trek Travel Ride Camp in Mallorca, Spain last month. And that was just the warm up.

That day my Garmin told me I put in 5 and 1/2 hours of ride time and climbed over 8,500 feet. My route took me up and over Col de Soller, then up and over the highest peak in Mallorca, the Puig Major, and then out and back to Sa Calobra, a gorgeous port town on the western side of the island accessible by a single winding road. Sa Calobra – the Cobra – descends 2,000 feet over the course of six miles. Reminiscent of ribbon candy or coils of spaghetti, that descent is at once both thrilling and terrifying as I hit the brakes sharply into the hairpin turns, then accelerated to get back up to speed, again and again and again…but more on that later.

When I dreamed up this vacation last fall, I had a few simple requirements. I wanted to ride a bike outside in February. I didn’t want to spend a ridiculous amount of money. And I wanted it to be in a stunningly beautiful place. Oh, and I didn’t want to have to worry about flying my bike or riding a hybrid. Easy, right?

Trek Travel’s Mallorca Ride Camp fit the bill to a tee. This enchanting island jewel off the coast of Spain isn’t just for beach goers; it’s a choice destination for cyclists everywhere, including many pros. There, I got a rider’s-eye view of the Tramuntana mountains, fertile valleys, and tranquil turquoise waters on picturesque, pothole-free roads.

I’ve flown my bike across the country and I’ve rented bikes before on vacation. I’ve even resorted to trying to get in some training time on a heavy, ride-share bike now available in most big cities. It’s always kind of nerve racking (and expensive!) to hand over your bike to the airlines – fingers crossed it will get there in one piece. And somehow rented bikes never really feel the same to me. Call me spoiled.

What sets Trek Travel vacations apart is the quality of the bikes you ride. I had the option to ride a Domane 5.9 (included) or upgrade to an Emonda SLR, either one equipped with Shimano electronic Di2 shifting. Because Mallorca is a climber’s paradise, I opted for the Emonda upgrade. When I arrived, my guide had already set up my bike using my fit coordinates, which included swapping the stem out to a smaller length. After installing my own pedals and saddle, I hopped on for quick ride around the hotel parking lot. It fit like a glove.

But what really made the trip head and shoulders above other cycling vacations I’ve taken was our guides. It was a pleasure to show up each morning and have my bike ready, water bottles filled and Garmin maps loaded. Our guides’ knowledge of the country, language ability and most of all the pure joy and sense of adventure they brought to each ride – whether they were driving the support van or riding along with us – was awesome.

On the last day, as I was cycling along the coast from one ridiculously picturesque mountainside town to the next, I saw a large peloton approaching. Fast. A pack of thirty or forty men went streaming by in a flourish of colors, followed by their team car — Leopard. I gave them a friendly wave and a nod, communicating that feeling of joy of being out on your bike in one simple gesture. Yeah, I wasn’t going anywhere nearly as fast. But during my week with Trek Travel, I truly felt like a pro. And frankly, it’s something I could get used to.”

– Trish Dugan, Syracuse Bicycles
Syracuse Bicycles goes to Mallorca, Spain with Trek TravelSyracuse Bicycles goes to Mallorca, Spain with Trek Travel

Industry Insider: Ken Sommer

Ken Sommer was a founding member of the LEOPARD-TREK cycling team and as marketing director he built the biggest team brand in professional cycling – on and offline. Ken holds a Masters Degree in International Business Marketing and Finance from Maastricht University. Currently Ken represents pro cyclists, including Trek Travel’s Ambassador of Awesome, Jens Voigt.

Tell us your story.

I started to be passionate about cycling when Jan Ullrich won the Tour de France. After that I spent 4 school summer holidays cleaning cars and carrying suitcases at the Tour de France. That’s when I fell in love with cycling. After my International Business studies I worked for a cycling team in Switzerland before I became one of the founding members of LEOPARD TREK. Now I run an agency focused on managing cyclists with my partner, Joao Correia. We work with some of the best young talents in the business such as Michael Valgren, Mads Pedersen, Adrien Costa and Tao Geoghegan Hart. We also represent established cyclists like Gerald Ciolek, Laurens Ten Dam, Ted King and of course fan-favorite, Jensie.

What’s the most rewarding part about your job?

Seeing a young rider succeed. It’s probably like seeing one of your kids score a goal in a soccer match. It’s great to see how hungry and full of motivation these kids are.

What is your favorite part about working in the bike industry?

The community amongst fans, riders and everyone involved in cycling. It’s a down to earth business with so many great stories and people. I met some of my best friends working in the cycling industry.

Favorite place you’ve ever traveled and why?

Lech in Austria. It’s my favorite place in Europe. Great for skiing but also great to ride your bike in the summer. It’s a great town to work out, or to just relax and watch the beautiful landscape.

Which Trek Travel trip is top on your bucket list and why?

It has to be the trip in California Wine Country. I think it’s the best place on earth to ride your bike. Plus amazing wine. If Jens Voigt joins that trip it would be the icing on the cake!

Tell us about your best day on a bicycle.

It was probably 2000 or so when I road the Mont Ventoux for the first time the same day the pros did it during the Tour de France. The weather was amazing and all fans were out on the course already. I suffered a lot, but it was a beautiful day.

Tell us about your craziest adventure.

The craziest was probably going great white shark diving with one of my best friends last year. I didn’t think I’d actually go into the water – but eventually did. It was freezing and these animals are pretty scary.

Favorite sport other than cycling and why?

As a German I definitely have to say soccer. I think it’s amazing how many people are touched by the sport everywhere in the world. A soccer world cup is followed by nearly everyone around the globe and brings so much joy to billions of people.

What does your perfect day look like?

Have a great espresso at my favorite café in Cologne, then ride my bike with Gerald Ciolek and Andreas Stauff on the Rhine River. Then watch a bike race on TV where one of my boys takes the win, followed by a nice dinner with my girlfriend.
Trek Travel Interviews Cycling Agent Ken Sommer

Trek Bikes: Welcome To The Paincave

At a certain time of year in Wisconsin, riding outside becomes more dangerous than beneficial. Iced-over roads and the ever-present threat of sketchy weather still even the hardiest souls. But the urge to train never ceases, because we all know July’s races are won in February.

So we begrudgingly descend into some deep and hidden indoor space to hammer out monotonous base miles on stationary trainers or rollers, thinking always of the far-off days of post-17:00 daylight.

In the Paincave, we grind away hours in solitude while staring at 19″ rotary dial tube TVs and race numbers from seasons past. We drown out the hum of resistance units with headphones and let the rhythm of the ride take us deep into our heads. Here, we set our minds on goals for the coming year.

A Paincave is a personal space. Some are elaborate whereas others border on Benedictine in their simplicity, but each one is an intimate portrait of its inhabitant. This is where we spend our winters, with stacks of tires, the boiler churning beside.

Trek Bikes Stories Welcome To the Paincave
Trek Bikes Stories Welcome To the Paincave
Trek Bikes Stories Welcome To the Paincave

Industry Insider: Jordan Roessingh

Meet Jordan Roessingh, technical director for the Trek Factory Racing team. While talented riders put on a show, men and women like Jordan are behind the scenes making it happen.

Tell us your story in 140 characters or less.

Born in Canada, raised in Wisconsin, live in Luxembourg. Engineer by trade, cyclist by heart. Trek-y since 2008. Now Technical Director at Trek Factory Racing.

What’s the most rewarding part about your job?

Helping our riders go faster.

Favorite place you’ve ever traveled and why?

It’s tough to name one favorite, but Siena, Italy would rank high. It combines Tuscany and the Strade Bianche–one of the most beautiful places in the world and one the best bike races to spectate in the world. The race finish in the Piazza del Campo is amazing.

If you were a trip designer at Trek Travel, where would you design a trip?

I would design a monuments trip. I would challenge guests to complete the full distance of all five one-day monuments (Milan San Remo, Tour of Flanders, Paris Roubaix, Liege Bastogne Liege, Tour of Lombardia). You’d have to train a bit for that trip, though.

Tell us about your best day on a bicycle.

Tough to choose a best day, but the best road I’ve ever ridden? Gotthard Pass in Switzerland. A 13km cobbled climb, closed to traffic.

Favorite post-ride beverage?

Apfelshoerle. It’s a German drink made with sparkling water and apple juice.

What and where was the best meal you’ve ever enjoyed?

Casa Gala Restaurant in Montecatini Alto, Italy. Marginal hotel, but amazing restaurant. The meal? Steak with porcinis and a bottle of Chianti. Incredible setting, even better food.

What’s the best advice you’ve never followed?

“Stay close to home.”

Outside of your family, who inspires you the most?

Markel Irizar. He is a cancer survivor on the Trek Factory Racing team who embodies his personal motto: Bizipoz (Basque for “Joy for Life”).

What is your favorite travel song?

“Goin’ Home” – Dan Auerbach

Favorite hotel you’ve ever stayed in and why?

Pax Montana, near Sarnen, Switzerland. Located in the foothills of the Alps, overlooking an alpine lake. The hotel is from the 1800’s and recently renovated. Decidedly old-tech (no, there are not TV’s in the rooms), but the setting and views more than make up for it.

You had me at private chef!

“It didn’t take my wife and me long to choose the new Barcelona Villa trip from Trek Travel’s array of adventures. We loved the idea of unpacking our suitcases and staying in one place for a week. As Priscilla said when we first discussed signing up for this trip, “You had me at private chef!”

Ca l’Almiral de la Font on Trek Travel's Barcelona Villa tripThe trip turned out even better than we expected. Almiral de la Font was spacious and luxurious. A portion of the original stone manor house dates to the 16th century and a subsequent addition served for many years as a church. As an architect, I appreciated the contemporary renovation that preserved the history and character of the house yet provided every modern amenity, including robust wifi. I liked relaxing in the appropriately named Moroccan “chill-out” lounge best.
It was an outdoor room covered with lush grape vines and bougainvillea and furnished with casual furniture and dozens of pillows.

Because we had the place to ourselves, we really bonded with our fellow travelers. It seemed like a week-long house party at the home of a favorite (and wealthy) relative. It was wonderful to tumble down to breakfast each morning at our leisure or to come home from a day of riding and relax in the hot tub with a drink from the open bar. Everything was included. I don’t think I touched my wallet all week.

Private Chef on Trek Travel's Barcelona Villa Luxury Cycling VacationWe were also fortunate that trip planner and guide Penny Gatward lives in the nearby resort town of Sitges. She knows the region well and planned a variety of routes leading from the house each day to a featured destination. One day it was a tour, wine tasting and tapas at an outstanding local winery. Another day we rode past a medieval castle to enjoy a classic Catalan lunch at a surprisingly elegant country restaurant. And a third day we celebrated some legendary climbing in the Garraf National Park on a high terrace overlooking the Mediterranean. There was enough terrain to challenge even the most avid riders in our group, but those desiring a mellower experience found that, too.

We found our way to Sitges one evening to take a walking tour and sample authentic pinchos at a tapas bar favored by locals. But the best meals were the custom dinners at the villa prepared by Gillian and Connie, our private chefs. One night we all pitched in to help prepare a sumptuous paella with fresh local seafood. And for our final night they used the outdoor kitchen to grill a variety of meats and seasonal vegetables for a festive dinner on the terrace.
This is a trip that we could definitely take again. It would be wonderful to return to “our” private villa again someday!”

Written by Trek Travel guest Bob Joy

Guest Post: Shut Up Legs Tour

This article, “Cycling road trip with Tour de France hero Jens Voigt a thrill for Edmonton lawyer,” was written by Trek Travel guest Don Mallon and originally published in the Edmonton Journal.

“In every relationship there are defining, watershed moments such as a first kiss or a birth of a child. These are instants in time that foretell your life is about to change, take a new direction. The instant a few weeks back when my wife walked into our bathroom to find me shaving my legs had the potential to be such a moment — and not in a good way.

Fortunately she knew this was merely the last step in a long summer of preparation for a cycling trip with one of the world’s top cyclists: Jens Voigt. I am a recreational road cyclist, a roadie. To train for the trip I had upped my weekly cycling mileage significantly, lost over 15 pounds and worked to increase my endurance and leg strength so that I could ride alongside this cycling legend without embarrassment.

Jens Voigt on Trek Travel's Santa Barbara Bike TourRoad cyclists theorize, backed by recent wind tunnel testing, that by shaving their legs they significantly improve aerodynamics. My wife knew I was looking for every advantage for this bucket list quest so the limb deforestation came as no surprise.

Jens Voigt has just retired after a long career in which he entered 17 Tours de France and won many races. He was a “rouleur” or all-rounder. At 6-foot-3 he was too big to be a favorite for the overall title in the mountainous multi-stage races but he was a first rate domestique, a rider to be counted upon to catch a breakaway or lead the charge up a hill for his team. He would endure pain and sacrifice his standing to help his team’s favorite rider achieve the winner’s podium.

Most domestiques, while talented in their own rights, melt into the background — but not Jens. For instance, there was that time in the Tour de France on the classic mountain Alpe d’huez when, shortly before the summit, he tossed his empty water bottle as a souvenir toward a young five-year-old fan. It was intercepted by an adult male.

Jens stopped mid-race, rode back down to the fellow and embarrassed him into giving the bottle to the kid. Voigt then got back on the saddle and rode to the finish to a round of applause usually reserved for the stage winner. His honest and outspoken nature won him countless fans around the globe, including me.

Jens Voigt on Trek Travel's Shut Up Legs Bike Tour In CaliforniaSo when Trek Travel offered a four-day cycling tour in California over the Halloween weekend with none other than JV, I signed up immediately.

The trip consisted of four days of riding in the Santa Ynez valley. Nestled between the ocean and the Pacific Coast mountain range the area is warm and dry and has an overall look similar to the southern Okanagan valley with some added palm trees.

Our hotel and base of operations was the Alisal Guest ranch, a historic 10,000-acre property first established as a working ranch in the early 1800s. In 1943 the then-owner altered the business model to include guest rooms. Today it is an interesting mix of cattle operation, hotel, golf course and dude ranch.

Our exceedingly competent and convivial Trek guides collected us on the first morning at the Santa Barbara Airport and bussed us to the Sanford Winery, one of a multitude in the area. There we ate lunch, tasted wine, got fitted for our bikes, introduced ourselves to the other 29 participants and eagerly awaited Jens’ arrival.

We didn’t have to wait long. He arrived, having travelled almost directly from Germany, a tall, lanky, smiling, walking, talking vortex. He was, as advertised, funny, self-effacing and energetic. In no time the talk was over and we set out on the bikes for a 40-km cruise through parched countryside and the Danish town of Solvang to our ranch hotel.

IMG_1313_Jens_VanJens initially set a pace of around 35 km/hr. I rode up to his back wheel and, like many past contenders of the Tour de France, into the wind protection of his draft. I was stoked. After a while, he dropped back to chat with as many riders as possible and a group of four of us, all seniors, pace-lined and hotfooted it to home base.

Overall it was a very good day, but it didn’t end there. Trek had prearranged dinners and social activities with Jens and our group for the entire long weekend. We had a lovely evening meal on the patio of Root 46 restaurant in the Danish-themed town of Solvang and chatted with Jens and each other for many hours.

Day 2 was the day of the big climb. The distance from bottom to top of Mount Figeuroa “the Fig” is 10 miles and the elevation gain is over 4,500 feet — yikes! The grade runs from a pedestrian six per cent to a leg and lung searing 19 per cent. To add an additional dimension of cruelty, the powers that be have left a steep section unpaved. Riders must navigate their skinny high-pressure tires over rocks, sand and gravel for more than a kilometer.

As we rode towards the base of the mountain every rider took a turn at the front with Jens for a photo. I chose to fake a sprint past a “fading” Voigt, something that would only happen in my dreams. Like a great sport, he played along. I now have a photo about which I can lie boastfully to my grandchildren.

IMG_9953_DonJens_FigThe mountain climb was as tough and long as expected but reaching a summit is always satisfying and this was no different. The long and fast descent took us to Los Olivos, a small town jam-packed with wine-tasting salons, where we lunched on paninis, had espressos and then paired scrumptious cupcakes and wine samples at Saarloos & Sons tasting room.

Then it was back to Alisal for a well-earned massage. A Halloween party that evening further allowed the tour group members to gain each other’s and Jens’ acquaintance. The group was an interesting mix of people from many walks of life. Among the riders were doctors, a rocket scientist, bankers, homemakers, retirees, a geologist and moi, the sole lawyer in the crowd.

The rest of the weekend blurred by. Unexpected and unusual rain slicked up the roads on the third day causing one rider to crash on a downhill hairpin turn. While the damp and crash subdued us, his return to the ranch that evening with stitches and stories for his grandkids buoyed us back up.

I rode beside or near Jens most of the weekend. My goal was to do that and not get dropped. Mission accomplished. I was also interested to observe how a pro-peloton rider handles himself among those of us who are comparatively DNA challenged. On the second day, within a few kilometers of the ranch, an inexperienced but determined rider was struggling to keep with the group. “Go on” she said “I’ll get there on my own.”

Trek Travel guest cycling with Jens Voigt in Santa BarbaraJens’ response was that cyclists are a community. He told her we look out for one another and we make sure everyone makes it to the finish — together. He rode beside her the rest of the way home.

I cycle for fitness and for the thrill of achieving speeds under my own power, unattainable without the mechanical advantage of gears and chains and light weight carbon. But I agree with Jens that there is more to it. We are a community. Most of us are just domestiques but, as he demonstrated his entire career and continues to demonstrate, that is an honorable role.

I am back home now with autographs, photographs and memories. Jens does not yet know his plans for the coming years but there is a reasonable chance he will repeat this “Shut up Legs” tour with Trek next fall. I’ve decided to take it easy this coming week but after that the serious training starts over — just in case.”

Meet Our Team: Ann Christianson

Meet Ann Christianson, creative expert here at Trek Travel. Advised by her parents to avoid a career in art or computers, Ann became a graphic designer. Armed with a college degree and a handmade bicycle, she started her own business. The rest is history.

What do you do at Trek Travel?

I create marketing materials for Trek Travel, like the annual Trip Planner. I have always been artistic and always drawn to (pun intended) anything creative. My medium of choice is acrylic painting, but I also like to draw, sew, and mess around with crafting like Ukrainian Easter Eggs.

My favorite part about working at Trek Travel is the camaraderie and spirit. Put simply, it’s inspiring. I have also always been a cyclist, and I love the rolling hills of riding country roads. But I don’t limit myself to only one kind of cycling; truly, if it has two wheels and pedals, I love it.

Ann Christianson 1977 BikeTrek Travel Bucket list trip?

E’tape du Tour and Pyrenees Sea to Sea.

Favorite post-ride beverage?

  • Post-Ride: Grapefruit juice.
  • Post-Post-Ride: Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa 2009)
  • Post-Post-Post-Ride: Irish Whiskey

Tell us your story.

When I was young, my parents (mom, a talented artist and dad, a computer programer) gave me a few pieces of advice, including what do to for a living. They advised me to avoid any career in art because it doesn’t pay AND not to do anything pertaining to computers because I was sure to burn out early. Not taking my parents advice, I decided to do both and I couldn’t be happier. Let me give credit where credit is due: my father also used to say, “Do what you love and the world will come to you, or if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Nothing could be more true for me than those statements.

My interest in cycling began just like many. I was given a red Radio Flyer tricycle, with the fixie front wheel and the panel to stand on in the back. You know the kind where you have to take your feet off the pedals when you go downhill? Then, in 1976, I was given my first two-wheeler which I affectionately named my “Bicentennial Bike.” It was a special bike, handmade by my Grandpa Frank out of old lawn mower, tractor and chainsaw parts. This, I believe, is the exact moment that the beauty of bicycles and cycling entered my soul.

In high school, I bought my first bicycle after one month of working at my first job. I put money down on a Raleigh 10-Speed and it took me four payments of $50 to pay it off. Total cost was $250.

Fast forward to 1999. New to the Madison area and recent college graduate with a design degree, I accepted a job at a non-profit organization designing for their trade monthly magazine. During the day I worked on magazine layouts, and at night I worked on freelance projects. In 2001 I transitioned from a few freelance projects to starting my own design business.

I had made a few cyclist friends who worked at Trek Bicycle, and an opportunity arose to work on a pro-bono project for their annual Breast Cancer Awareness ride. It was a cause that was personal to me and I got a free T-shirt, socks and registration into the ride. I was happy.

At the ride I was introduced to Tania, the president of Trek Travel, who was in need of some marketing and design assistance. For me it was a ‘meant-to-be’ kind of meeting. I couldn’t have created a more perfect opportunity combining two loves: cycling and design. The cherry on top was the company’s service they provided, guided travel by bike! Though my travels were limited to driving or day trips, mainly because of my young family and limited funds, our bikes always came with us.

Based only on our initial meetings, I knew Trek Travel was what I had been looking for. They were passionate about cycling, had such enthusiasm for travel, and you just knew they did what they did because they loved it.

Tell us about your best day on a bike.

I made my way to The Netherlands in the Summer of 2012. It was a three-week long work trip that left my weekends free for exploration and adventure. I had mentioned to local colleagues that I was interested in seeing some early impressionist art, and they suggested the Kroller Muller Museum. Plan in hand and navigation set for the museum, I set out on my day adventure.

Trek Travel Graphic Designer in the Netherlands

I arrived in Otterlo, a very small town set at one of the entrances to the Stichting Het Nationale Park. Located in the center of the park is the Kroller Muller. At the park entrance, you are given the option to drive to the museum or take a bicycle provided by the park. I, of course, chose the bike option and set off with my camera and a map. My anticipation of the destination made me quicken my pace. I went about a mile and a half through a thick wooded area and reached a clearing where I could see for miles. The scenery stopped me in my tracks and I realized this was one of those moments when it is as much about the journey as it is the destination. So, in the profound words of the youth of today, I slowed my roll.

Trek Travel Graphic Designer

An hour later I arrived at the museum. This part of my perfect day was absolutely not a disappointment. It is a quaint, unassuming setting for a museum. You would not know that it is full of original paintings by some of the most admired impressionist artists, such as Renior, Seurat, Picasso, Mondriaan, and of course, Van Gogh. Unlike other museums with laser security and alarm trip wires set to keep you back, the viewing of this artwork is intimate and impactful. It’s as if you are in someone’s living room and they are showing you their personal collection.

After pausing my tour for a slice of the most amazing lemon cheese cake and cappuccino, I made my way through the sculpture garden and got back on my bike for a few more miles of adventure through the park. I stopped reading the map and just let the paths take me at will. A little over an hour later I arrive back in Otterlo. I was about to go back to my car and head home when I noticed the parking lot was barricaded and a large crowd people were walking towards the town center. I asked the park attendant if I could keep the bike and use it to go into the town. She approved and I went on my way.

As I approached the town square, I noticed all of the spectators were gathered along the street, gazing in the same direction like they were waiting for a parade or a race. Around the corner comes a group of racers in cycling skin suits and bullet helmets. They are not on bicycles, but roller blades!

Ann Christianson Netherlands Trek Travel Blog

I made my way to a café hotel with outdoor seating and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening cheering for the racers and drinking wine. I made new friends with some locals seated next to me, who spoke very little English, and were unsuccessfully trying to teach me Dutch.

When the streets opened I returned the bike to the park. On my way back to my living quarters, I thought about the day’s events and it occurred to me that everything that happened seemed to be destined for me. The landscape and the bicycle. The art and the food. The festivities and people. I will forever remember that day as one of my most perfect.

Thank you, Ann! You can view Ann’s work in Trek Travel’s catalog or visit her website!

Industry Insider: Melissa Stockwell

Meet Melissa Stockwell. She’s an American hero and champion triathlete; a dog lover and expecting mother. Prepare to be both inspired and motivated as you learn about her incredible story!

Tell us your story in 140 characters or less:

Melissa_Stockwell_Blog_4On April 13, 2004 while serving in the US Army in Iraq, I lost my left leg above the knee from a roadside bomb. After a year of therapy at Walter Reed Hospital trying to find my new normal, I fell back in love with athletics. In 2008 I competed in swimming at the Beijing Paralympics. In 2009 I turned to the sport of triathlon and have since competed around the country and the world. Thanks to my custom USA themed Trek Madone, I am a 3x Paratriathlon World Champion and hope to compete in Rio in 2016. Away from athletics, I work with prosthetics to fit other amputees with artificial limbs, am a motivational speaker, and co-founded the Chicago based Dare2tri Paratriathlon Club. I am a proud American, a proud above the knee amputee and proud to live a life of sport.

(OK, that’s a pretty tough story to tell in 140 characters. We’ll give you a free pass, Melissa.)

What’s the most rewarding part about your job?

Working in the field of prosthetics, I literally get to give people their lives back. They come into my office defeated just after loosing a limb and we can provide them with a prosthetic. We get them up and enable them to do the things they love. As a speaker, I get to motivate others to follow their dreams and live life to the fullest. My jobs rock!

Favorite place you’ve ever traveled and why?

New Zealand in 2012 for Paratriathlon World Championships. It’s beauty is un-matched!

If you could only bring one unnecessary item on a trip, what would it be?

Does my dog count?

Melissa_Stockwell_Blog_3What is one thing you never fly without?

My neck pillow, plenty of Chapstick and some snacks for the ride.

Tell us about your best day on a bicycle.

Riding my new Trek Madone at World Championships in 2012. I got the bike a short week before the race and had limited time to practice on it. To ride it with its speed and effortless gear changes was amazing. Not to mention I was inspired every time I got to see the stars and stripes when I looked down. It led me to my 3rd World Championship win and I fell even more in love with Trek that day!

Favorite hotel you’ve ever stayed in?

Anyplace with great staff, a lounge pool and a lap pool, clean rooms and a coffee shop in the lobby gets an A+ in my book!

What is the best advice you have for our readers?

Melissa Stockwell Trek MadoneNever compare yourself to someone else. Be happy with who you are and your own accomplishments. And to live each day happy, you never know when it could be your last.

Outside of your family, who inspires you the most?

Anyone who has ever overcome a disability and gone on to succeed with whatever it is they want to do.

What is your personal motto or mantra?

To be my own rockstar. To be proud of what I do and to encourage others to dream big and go for their goals.


If you want to follow Melissa and learn more about her story, follow her on Twitter @MStockwell01.  


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What is the Difference?

Ultimate Luxury:

Savor some of the most spectacular, 5-star properties in the world. Exuding luxury and elegance, these one-of-a-kind accommodations offer the chance to rejuvenate at award-winning spas, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and more.


Enjoy luxurious accommodations handpicked for a refined experience. From signature spa treatments to delicious local cuisine, you’ll be more than provided for; you’ll be pampered.


These handpicked hotels provide relaxation and fun in a casual and comfortable environment. Delicious cuisine and great service mix perfectly for a memorable stay.


On select cycling vacations, you’ll stay at a mix of Explorer and Luxury hotels. Rest assured, no matter which hotel level you’re at, our trip designers carefully select every accommodation.

Activity Level

Level 1:

Road: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 25 mi (40 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Gravel: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 20 mi (35 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 1-3 hours of hiking. Up to 5 mi (8 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Level 2:

Road: 2-4 hours of riding. 20-35 mi (35-60 km). Up to 2,500 ft (750 m).

Gravel: 2-4 hours of riding. 15-30 mi (25-45 km). Up to 2,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 2-4 hours of hiking. 4-8 mi (6-12 km). Up to 1,500 ft (450 m).

Level 3:

Road: 3-5 hours of riding. 25-55 mi (40-85 km). Up to 4,500 ft (1,500 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 20-40 mi (35-60 km). Up to 3,000 ft (900 m).

Hiking: 3-5 hours of hiking. 6-10 mi (9-16 km). Up to 2,000 ft (600 m).

Level 4:

Road: 4+ hours of riding. 40-70 mi (60-110 km). Up to 8,000 ft (2,400 m).

Gravel: 4+ hours of riding. 30-50 mi (45-80 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

Hiking: 4+ hours of hiking. 7-15 mi (11-24 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

What are your trip styles?

Classic - Reserve:

Savor the finer things as you relax in luxurious 5-star accommodations and wine, dine, and ride in some of the most unforgettable destinations around the world.

Classic - Signature:

Explore beautiful destinations by bike, enjoy extra inclusions, savor delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the perfect mix of accommodations.

Classic - Discover:

Enjoy a casual cycling vacation with fantastic routes and comfortable accommodations.

Ride Camp:

Train like the pros in some of their favorite riding destinations.

Pro Race:

See the pros in action at the biggest cycling events of the year.

Cross Country:

Tackle an epic adventure that takes you point-to-point across mountains, countryside, and more.


Enjoy a bike tour on your schedule with just your chosen travel companions.

Single Occupancy

Sometimes it’s more convenient and comfortable to have your own room while on vacation. We understand and that’s why we offer a Single Occupancy option. The additional price guarantees a private room all to yourself