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The Best Bikes - Trek Travel

A little e-bike cheating makes Oregon Cascades bike tour a gem of a cycling trip – LA Times

At the crest of central Oregon’s 5,325-foot McKenzie Pass, a black-and-gold swallowtail butterfly landed on the handlebars of my bicycle before flitting to my open hand.

The butterfly didn’t know I was using an electric-assist bike, which had made the ascent a pleasant experience rather than a sweaty grind. Everyone else in my Trek Travel group, except one woman from Texas, was on a regular road bike and had labored up the climb while she and I cruised, pushed uphill by an electric motor that felt at times like a magic hand on my back.

Read the full article with the LA Times »

Explore E-bike Tours

The Best Bike Tour Company Give You The Best Bikes – FORBES.COM

Originally launched by leading manufacturer Trek Bicycles, Trek Travel is now an independent company, but they still maintain a close relationship and have always been at the hardware forefront in terms of quality.

Unlike many other companies, they do not charge an upgrade fee and simply start with the best, the Trek Domane SL 7 road bike, a top full carbon frame with Bontrager Race Lite TLR wheelset and Ultegra Di2 electronic shifting (though they do offer a $200 wheel upgrade to Bontrager Aelous D3 carbon wheels).

Read the full article on »

The Ultimate Game Changer

Why are some “scripts” so hard to change?

Words by Nora Linville, Trek Travel Guest

Two years ago I began training for the Trek Travel 2015 Cross Country USA trip from Portland to Portland to commemorate turning 60 when I discovered I have a heart arrhythmia. All is well, but a ride that strenuous is not in the cards. So I booked the May 2016 Croatia and Dalmatian Coast trip instead. Six months before the ride I tore my MCL and was off the bike for four months. I went on the trip knowing I wasn’t in peak shape for the route profile, but thought I’d be okay with simply riding as much as I could.
Trek Travel Croatia and Dalmatian Coast Bike Tour
As it turns out, I wasn’t ok with it at all. My internal “script” says I must ride every mile, even if it’s killing me. So I had three options:
Option 1: Continue to be miserable.
Option 2: Ride in the van to the top of each climb. No way, not me.
Option 3: Ask if one of the e-bikes was available. Heck no, that’s cheating!

Consequently, I was so stressed it was ruining my cycling vacation of a lifetime. One morning, our awesome guide informed me that an e-bike was available, so I decided to grow up and take advantage of the gift being offered. Whoo weee, what a blast! These bikes are amazing! You still get a great workout using your own pedal power, but the boost is available when you just need that extra oomph. And to think I almost let my pride get in the way of a fantastic experience.

I had to have one of my own, so I used the Trek Travel discount coupon and purchased the Trek XM700+. It’s a game changer for me and I absolutely LOVE it. I can now comfortably do climbs that I would otherwise struggle with and also use it to commute to work at 27 mph.
Trek Travel Electric-Assist Bikes

Available at no additional cost.

Learn More

Get an Inside Look at Trek’s US Factory

Trek is one of the few companies producing carbon frames in the United States. Here’s what goes on in its Wisconsin headquarters.

Bicycling Magazine
By Molly Hurford | October 22, 2015

Trek Bikes Factory Headquarters in Waterloo, Wisconsin

Trek’s History:

Trek has been around since our country’s bicentennial in 1976. It was founded in the small manufacturing town of Waterloo, Wisconsin, about 20 minutes outside of Madison. The factory remains in Waterloo, though much has changed since its inception. Eric Bjorling, Trek’s brand communications guru, gave us a tour that began with the mini-museum in the foyer of the building. And you might notice the heritage logo popping up more and more as the brand has “rediscovered our passion for the history of the company,” Bjorling said.
Trek Bikes Wisconsin Factory Headquarters Tour by Bicycling Magainze

Learn more about Trek’s Wisconsin headquarters in Bicycling Magazine»

Top 10 Reasons to Ride Electric-Assist

close up of a red and black Trek Domane plus bike

Trek Travel is proud to introduce a new fleet of electric-assist bikes, including the Trek Domane+ LT and Verve+. These bikes flatten hills, improve endurance, and make every ride a little more fun. There’s no reason not to love an electric-assist bike. But we can find at least ten reasons why you will:

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1. Fall in love with two wheels.
We believe that bikes show a different perspective, and provide a more magical way to experience the world. Sometimes, that magic is lost in the struggle up a mountain. With electric-assist, you can ride further and see more of the world from the seat of a bike.

2. If you’re reading this, they’re built for you.
Young, old, avid or amateur, you’ll definitely enjoy a spin on an electric-assist bike.
It’s more fun than you think, and just the ticket to a perfect day on the bike.

3. It’s a workout, with just a little less work.
It’s called “electric-assist” because that’s what it is; a boost when you need it, and a bike when you don’t.
This isn’t a moped, and there’s no reason to feel guilty. It’s just another way to ride on your terms.

4. They’ll take you to the very best and back.
No longer are the greatest views and most satisfying stops reserved for the hard-core riders.
With electric-assist, you’ll see more summits, skylines and horizons that make every destination magical. You might even get there first.

5. They’re where the latest meet the greatest.
Simply put, nobody makes electric-assist bikes better than Trek.
With a longer-lasting battery, lighter-weight frame, and extra-stylish design, we’ve got those other bikes beat.

6. Grins are guaranteed.
We know they’re fun. We’ve been riding them at the Trek Travel headquarters for months now.
Yes, our guests love them. Yes, our guides love them. No, you can’t stuff one into your luggage.

7. They’re also built for the buddy system.
We introduced electric-assist bikes so travel partners of two speeds can ride together.
Because the best memories are shared, no matter the level of riding experience.

8. They’ve already taken the world by storm.
Electric-assist bikes are standard equipment in Europe, where locals zoom from work, to home and anywhere in-between.
And now they’re making a big entry into the U.S. market. If you’re riding one, you’ll fit in just fine.

9. They slay the mightiest hills.
To some guests, hills are half the fun. To others, they’re roadblocks to get to the next activity.
Luckily, electric-assist bikes can turn any mountain into a molehill. You’ll be surprised at how fast you can defy gravity.

10. They’ve got all the speed you need.
Now you won’t need to worry about gaps from the group, changes in pace, or if you want to stop for a photo opportunity.
Electric-assist bikes make it easy to stay with the Trek Travel tour at any speed. Watch how.

Don’t miss out:
They’re first-come, first-served, so act now. It’s the easiest way to electrify your experience.

Explore Electric Bike Trips

E-bike Tours

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Are Your Tires Too Worn?

As the road biking season winds down for many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, hopefully you’ve put more than a few miles on your bike this year. Now is a great time to check the condition of your tires, before you start riding over slick leaves or frost-covered pavement. Don’t wait until the beginning of next season, when you’ll be eager to get out on the road as quickly as possible.

As a tire wears, a few things happen. The nice round profile of the tire starts to flatten out. This is normal, but you want to change out that tire before it gets too thin. The thickness of the rubber is one of the properties that will help protect against flat tires. If it’s too thin, very small pieces of glass will puncture the tire.

Another thing to check out is the condition of the fabric. Yes, there is fabric in your tires. A lot of it, actually. Manufactures use different thickness cord for different quality tires. These cords can sometimes fail, resulting in a bulge or wobble in the tread. You will want to check the entire diameter of the tire for any wobbles and pull the tire from use if you find one.

Choosing a new tire can be a tedious process. If you want my recommendation, I love the Bontrager AW3 Hard Case 700X25c tire. It’s a fantastic tire with low rolling resistance and great puncture protection. It’s on all of our Trek Travel road bikes as well!

Trek Travel bike tire tips

How To Brake Into Corners

Safety is our first priority at Trek Travel. Our guides give a daily safety talk on trips, our entire fleet of bikes is equipped with the Bontrager Flare R tail light, and we always set a good example out on the road. In recent years we have observed that most crashes happen while riding through a corner, so we are here to provide you with the knowledge to prevent that from happening.

Bike Safety Tips: How to Brake into Corners
While our guides do everything in their power to keep your safe on the road, the majority of crashes happen when someone is riding too fast for the conditions and strongly applies the front brake. This results in the front wheel washing out and the rider landing on the pavement. It can happen very fast, but there are a few things that you can do to keep this from happening to you:

1. Perform the majority of your braking before you enter the corner. Brake before you turn. You want to slow your speed to the point you are comfortable leaning into the corner.

2. It is very important to ride in a predictable line, especially if you are in a group, so that people understand where you intend to go.

3. If you feel that you are riding too fast into a corner and need to slow down, it is best to straighten the bike and apply both brakes at the same time (with a little more braking power in the rear brake). But be sure to get back into the corner right away in order to keep from riding off the road!

4. Slippery conditions makes turning corners even more dangerous. Making sure to slow down more than normal while riding in the rain, and avoid riding over painted lines on the road. These lines can act like ice, and braking on ice typically ends with a crash.
Safety is the first priority on Trek Travel cycling vacations

N + Project One

How many bikes does a person really need? The old joke makes the answer a moving target: N + 1, with N being the number of bikes already stuffed into your garage. But would that equation be different if you built one bike, from the ground up, with the exact spec, color, gearing, and fit you want, without compromise? If you got to build your one bike?

That’s the idea behind Project One: build one bike at a time, for one rider at a time. A bike unlike all others. Every wish and whim considered. trek’s custom bike program was launched to the cycling world over ten years ago. It was a daring departure for a large bike manufacturer, allowing customers to specify their individual bike’s part and color. Upsetting our busy paint and production line was risky, and creating a custom shop alongside it was definitely a bold move–one that has since gained fans across the world.

Fast forward a decade, and ever-increasing demand has warranted a new $2 million paint lineat Trek that must be seen to be believed. Paint Manufacturing Engineer Bob Seibel has been researching paint plants for several years now, including custom paint lines at similar businesses like the Harley-Davidson Motor Company in nearby Milwaukee. Bob rides a Harley, and is always happy to visit the mother ship–but this time, the objective was to solidify plans for the best painting line in the industry. One of the first requirements he identified was the need for a specific and separate location for his crew of painters.
Design your own Project One bicycle on Trek Travel's Trek Factory Experience
“Before the new paint line, P1 painters never had their own space: it had always been shared with the mainline work, with custom stuff done on a second shift. Now we have a dedicated Project One paint facility; their own booths where they don’t have to close up, put away all their equipment at the end of the night only to have to take it all back out to start up the next day. Now they can just paint. They’re at home.”

But space was only the start. The real bottom line goal for the new paint booth was that we wanted to free up the artisan painters from the more technical and uncreative aspects of coatings. Changing colors, cleaning lines, painting undercoats. These things require more precision than artistry, so the new paint line is an amazing mix of technology and art, anchored by a high-tech, incredibly precise paint robot. The artists and the robot get along really well. We robotically cover the mundane tasks and keep our painters focused on the art, the beauty–the things that make Project One more than a paint job.

The frames that receive this artistry are molded from raw carbon just down the hall and up the stairs from the new paint line. There the raw carbon frames are bonded, cured, and checked for perfect alignment.

Only then can the finishing process begin. Frames are first sandblasted, then joints and bond lines are hand-sanded with care. Not a single speck of that sanding dust, Bob Seibel takes care to point out, will ever make its way into the paint booth.
Design your own custom Trek Bike on Trek Travel's Project One Factory Experience
Before painters enter the glass-walled booth, they don paper coveralls and pass through air showers and other contaminant removal methods to remove dust and impurities–the number one cause of paint imperfections–from all operators and frames that enter. Nothing gets in the way of a perfect finish.

“With Project One, the finishes are unbelievably meticulous. Take the U5 Vapor Coat. U5 stands for under five grams. Literally less than five grams of finished paint is applied to the frame before it’s done. A typical paint weight of a frame is easily 100 grams, if not more, because your sole focus is a smooth, flawless finish. But here we’re talking five grams or less for a paint finish, that’s astounding–it’s nothing! There is absolutely no margin for error–the coating can’t hide anything. Part of it is sandblasted, to have a matte feel and look, and the other parts are contrasted. It’s a really special look.”

Which is the whole point of Project One. We like to do special things here. Often it’s for one of the great athletes who ride Trek. Project One graphic designer Brian Lindstrom recently completed a special bike for Jens Voigt.

“Jens is very cool to work with. He had a lot of great ideas about what he wanted. We sat down in a cafe in Berlin and he started sketching ideas that he had, all the different milestones that he wanted to include on the bike that we could work on. The result was a design that reflected points in his career, so it was cool that, as fans, we can thank him for it.

I love doing athlete bikes–or it could be an entire identity for a new team, like for Trek Factory Racing: design the logo, get it all out there, color them up.”
Design your own Project One bicycle on Trek Travel's Trek Factory Experience
Rarer than the athlete bikes are the fully custom civilian jobs, only endeavored when the custom queue is uncharacteristically short and the budget necessarily long. Take the skeletal bike the Project One team created for an orthopedic surgeon in New York. The doctor was a triathlete, and wanted the full custom treatment for his Speed Concept. Project One Guru (yes, that’s his title) Eric Maves recalls:

“We played off the fact that he was an orthopedic surgeon. He wanted a skeletal-type paint scheme on the bike. His main job is doing artificial joints, so he somehow wanted to integrate those into the skeletal system. I had this idea: what if we made it like an X-ray? We used the X-rays of the son of one of our painters as our benchmark. Artificial joints show up on an X-ray completely different from bone, so we went for that effect on the piece. It was intense, like 40 hours of paint labor alone. He was blown away.”
Design your own custom bicycle on Trek Travel's Project One Factory Experience
Dave Schleicher is the Project One engineering technician. Dave takes Brian’s and Eric’s ideas and works out how to make them happen, which techniques to use, how to make vinyls for masking the frame for painting. In the case of complicated projects like the skeleton, this often means some clever sideway thinking.

“I had to go find an actual skull, and live-trace right off the skull–that was just crazy. We went to the University of Wisconsin and came up with all the drawings for the vertebrae, and I had to hand-trace them, label them, and match where they lined up. For the hips, the human ones weren’t working, so we had to use an X-ray from a dog’s hip!”

Dave is lost in folders and files on his desktop. The last ten years of special paint finishes and graphics flashes on the screen. The attention to detail, the complex engineering that turns a concept into a paint scheme, is extraordinary. And once the art and makes are complete, it’s up to the painter to bring the design to life on its carbon canvas.
Design your own Project One bicycle on Trek Travel's Trek Factory Experience
“It’s sort of a layering technique. It’s a very artistic interpretation, the masks aren’t meant to be a schematic. Every time we develop a new design, we save the files, just because we might use some of it on another project. We’ve done a snake head, we have skulls…John Burke, Trek’s President, gave his wife a panda design bike, so we’ve got that. There we go, pandas!”

The same meticulous airbrushing used for the rare one-offs also applies to the Project One Signature Series schemes. Applying the Real Fire scheme to tubes and fork ends is around nine hours of work, all done by a single painter. Each Signature Series frame belongs to one artist, from start to finish, who signs his work at the end. Bob explains:

“We take it personally, because we know that one person has ordered this one frameset, this one bike. The frame already has an owner, written right on the tag. That owner is a person, someone who’s created this expression in the form of a bike. We build it and sign it, from one person to another–it’s tough to get more personal than that.”
Design your own Project One bicycle on Trek Travel's Trek Factory Experience

How To Adjust Bike Shifting

If you’ve been on the bike a lot since your spring tune-up, it’s probably time to readjust your shifting. For go-getters who want to tackle this project themselves, here are a few pointers:

For every click of your rear derailleur shifter, the derailleur should move the chain one complete gear change. Start with the chain in the smallest cog. If you click your shifter to move the chain up to the next largest cog on the rear and it does not go up or hesitates before moving, you need to tighten your cable tension. You can do this with the barrel adjuster that is built into either your shifter or derailleur. As you turn the barrel adjuster counter-clockwise, it screws the adjuster out taking up slack in the cable tension. This results in moving the derailleur a little further.

Pro Tip: A little bit can go a long way! Start with ¼ turns only and try the shifting again. Keep trying ¼ turns until you have it just right.

There are a few screws on the derailleur that will be tempting to adjust. Don’t! These are already adjusted to their positions to stop the derailleur from shifting the chain into the spokes and into the frame on the two most extreme gears. They only provide stopping points for the derailleur, they do not adjust the derailleur.

One thing to note. If you just can’t seem to get the shifting right, there is the possibility that the part of the frame that the rear derailleur is mounted to could be bent. This is called the derailleur hanger. Telltale signs are scrapes on your derailleur or if your bike tipped over onto its drive train side. Some are replaceable and some are not. If this is bent, there is nothing you can do to the cable tension that will help your adjustment. Go to your local bike store to get a professional opinion on your options. If you do have a replaceable hanger, it is good to get a couple as spares. Keep one in your seat bag just in case you need to do an on-the-road repair.
Learn how to adjust your bike shifting with Trek Travel

How to Lube a Bike Chain

One of the most overlooked parts of bicycle maintenance is chain lubrication. Both too much and too little lubrication can make your drivetrain work harder than it is supposed to resulting in increased wear and the dreaded chainring tattoo.

Proper lubrication of the chain actually requires very little lubricant. A drip style bottle is always recommended over an aerosol can. Not only are most aerosols harmful to the environment, but 75% of the lube is actually wasted. A proper technique is to put just one drop of lube on each chain link roller. The object is to lube inside the small roller, not outside on the parts of the chain that you see.

As the chain moves over the chain ring teeth that small roller is what needs the most lubrication. Lubricating the outer plates of the chain does nothing to make your shifting smoother or your chain quit. A trick that many pro mechanics do after they lubricate the chain is to wipe the chain down with a rag and some denatured alcohol. The pro mechanics know that excess lubrication only attracts dirt and dust making your chain wear faster and get dirty easier.

So next time you go out for a ride and need to lubricate your chain, try it: one drop of your favorite lube per roller. It actually does not take long to do and you will thank yourself for not spraying chain lube all over unnecessary parts!
How to lube a bike chain


If a date is marked as Private, it is reserved for a private group.

Don’t see exactly what you are looking for or looking for a custom date?
Call our trip consultants at 866-464-8735

What is the Difference?

Ultimate Luxury:

Savor some of the most spectacular, 5-star properties in the world. Exuding luxury and elegance, these one-of-a-kind accommodations offer the chance to rejuvenate at award-winning spas, dine at Michelin-starred restaurants, and more.


Enjoy luxurious accommodations handpicked for a refined experience. From signature spa treatments to delicious local cuisine, you’ll be more than provided for; you’ll be pampered.


These handpicked hotels provide relaxation and fun in a casual and comfortable environment. Delicious cuisine and great service mix perfectly for a memorable stay.


On select cycling vacations, you’ll stay at a mix of Explorer and Luxury hotels. Rest assured, no matter which hotel level you’re at, our trip designers carefully select every accommodation.

Activity Level

Level 1:

Road: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 25 mi (40 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Gravel: 1-3 hours of riding. Up to 20 mi (35 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 1-3 hours of hiking. Up to 5 mi (8 km). Up to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Level 2:

Road: 2-4 hours of riding. 20-35 mi (35-60 km). Up to 2,500 ft (750 m).

Gravel: 2-4 hours of riding. 15-30 mi (25-45 km). Up to 2,000 ft (300 m).

Hiking: 2-4 hours of hiking. 4-8 mi (6-12 km). Up to 1,500 ft (450 m).

Level 3:

Road: 3-5 hours of riding. 25-55 mi (40-85 km). Up to 4,500 ft (1,500 m).

Gravel: 3-5 hours of riding. 20-40 mi (35-60 km). Up to 3,000 ft (900 m).

Hiking: 3-5 hours of hiking. 6-10 mi (9-16 km). Up to 2,000 ft (600 m).

Level 4:

Road: 4+ hours of riding. 40-70 mi (60-110 km). Up to 8,000 ft (2,400 m).

Gravel: 4+ hours of riding. 30-50 mi (45-80 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

Hiking: 4+ hours of hiking. 7-15 mi (11-24 km). Up to 4,000 ft (1,200 m).

What are your trip styles?

Classic - Reserve:

Savor the finer things as you relax in luxurious 5-star accommodations and wine, dine, and ride in some of the most unforgettable destinations around the world.

Classic - Signature:

Explore beautiful destinations by bike, enjoy extra inclusions, savor delicious local cuisine, and enjoy the perfect mix of accommodations.

Classic - Discover:

Enjoy a casual cycling vacation with fantastic routes and comfortable accommodations.

Ride Camp:

Train like the pros in some of their favorite riding destinations.

Pro Race:

See the pros in action at the biggest cycling events of the year.

Cross Country:

Tackle an epic adventure that takes you point-to-point across mountains, countryside, and more.


Enjoy a bike tour on your schedule with just your chosen travel companions.

Single Occupancy

Sometimes it’s more convenient and comfortable to have your own room while on vacation. We understand and that’s why we offer a Single Occupancy option. The additional price guarantees a private room all to yourself